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Coaching can mean many things to many people.
The International Coach Federation (ICF) defines coaching as “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.” Coaching is a process of development, helping the client move from their current situation to one that is more fulfilling.
But what will coaching mean to you?
As your coach, I will partner with you as you look for ways to make your life more satisfying, richer and more purposeful. We can focus on home and family, on work, on transitions, on leadership, or all of the above, or something completely different. When we engage in a coaching session, I will ask you questions that will help you discover many things about yourself you may have never realized before. To gain the most from our time together, you will need to share in an honest and open way, knowing that I will hold a “safe space” for you in which we can work together.
Although it is often possible to have an extraordinary single coaching session, generally, coaching is not a "quick fix." That is why, once we have agreed that we are a good fit, and have a general sense of your goals, I will propose a time frame over which we can do our initial work. This can always be changed later on, but I find it helpful if you look at this process over the longer term (months) and not just days or weeks.
Interested? Want to learn more? Give me a shout below: